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Friday, October 19, 2007

Punjabi Uk Smashing Hits. Download!!

Punjabi UK songs were the new turning point in the history of punjabi music. Bhangra is an icon of
punjabi culture in Uk and songs made in UK consists of
with some great lyrics and music composition.
UK punjabi production of songs first was done by Sukhshinder Shinda introducing Jazzy B. Then
after the overwhelming success of the duo, many Dj's came...remixing old songs and giving them
a whole different new taste.

Some great Uk Punjabi songs to download :
1. Nach Le-- Labh Janjua.
2. Putt Sardaran De.
3. Viah Karva Ke ( Remix).
4. Nachdi Patola Ban ke.

----- More will be uploaded-------

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